Make your company's internal expertise as quickly and easily accessible as you know it from internet search engines and chatbots.
Based on our success story together with the Open Telekom Cloud, we would like to present our solution to you in more detail. Find out more about it:
Read here about our success story: link
Product type: SaaS
Provider: ambeRoad Tech GmbH
Search or chat with internal data regardless of the data silo. Whether M365, drives, the document management system or the intranet - we have a wide range of standard connectors to ensure a quick and problem-free go-live.
On the one hand, we host our solution exclusively in Germany on the Open Telekom Cloud, and on the other hand, we take existing access rights into account. This means that there is no need for duplicate access management and everyone only finds what they actually have access to.
Our solution makes it clear to the user where certain information comes from. This means that the results found and the answers generated can be traced at any time.
Intuitive, efficient & user-friendly - You know the design of our interfaces from tools that you already use. This makes it even easier for you and your team to use Intelligent & context-based: All relevant information is just a search query away Search not only for text but also for multimedia content such as images, 3D models & more
With amberSearch, we have developed an AI solution that solves a real problem. I am particularly excited by how well our customers are adopting this technology and how quickly they are able to leverage the technology’s added value.